johan van kreij
music • improvisation • composition • electronic objects • instrument design • code development • teaching and research • generative processes • dots
And jvkr is:
- Permanent staff member at the Institute of Sonology
- One of the regular researchers at LOOS Den Haag
- Co-builder of the ARTEk sound recording studio
- Contributer with various entries to Research Catalog

an impression...

jvkr • music
Brief CV

Public Downloads
In 1994, when I started my studies Sonology, I began working with various music related programming or scripting languages; Max, Kyma, Csound, Lisp and SuperCollider. Later Puredata, Java, JavaScript, WebAudio, C and GenExpr were added to that list. I don’t consider myself a good programmer, but I find myself attracted to writing code in order to discover specific and personalized generative and transformative processes in the sound domain. Apart from sound processing, such coding activity also happens in the context of networking protocols, sensor data, machine learning and image processing. In the recent years I am seeking ways to connect such coding to the physical world—creating an excuse to get away from the computer screen. Some of the outcomes of this activity I enjoy sharing, hoping it might be useful to someone. Everything is in a folder structure that can be freely browsed.